Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wake the fark up....

DNA, IQ, Survival Test...

Wouldn't Christine Roemer make a nice schoolmarm?
I mean... where'd they find her? Central casting?

From CNBC this morning:

"Consumer numbers back up our optimism."

"This is how most recessions end."

DNA/IQ/Survival Test:

This is a _________.

1. Recession.
2. Depression.
3. Pre-planned systemic collapse which will result in historic
socio-economic & geopolitical change, that will forever change
America, your life and that of your children.

While the sheeple remain fixated on Kris Allen & Adam Lambert
and an animal spirits manufactured greenshoots rally...
telling themselves that their home values, 401K's and jobs
will come back... all the while stage left... the US Treasury
is being looted and socialism is being installed in broad daylight,
right under their noses.

Set down your lattes, unplug your iPods, turn off American Idol
and wake the F@%# Up people...

You are sleep walking through the End of America.

Did you see this?

This is their contemptuous answer for our public outcry
on Congress passing the $787 Billiond Dollar Stimulus
Bill without reading it.

This is their "middle finger" answer to America, where
they are literally laughing in our face...

Isn't this funny. How cute...

This will become the final economic death blow to the
American economy. Cap and trade/carbon taxes...

Energy & Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman was asked
point blank...

"Did you know that was in this (climate change) bill?"

His answer:

"You asking me? I certainly don't claim to know everything
that's in this bill. We relied very heavily on the scientists
from the IPCC and others... I don't know the details, I rely
on the scientists."

This is yet another U.N. agenda being ram-rodded down our
throats. It will be the final death blow the the American
economy, adding an estimated $3-$4,000 per household in
taxes and fees... and will send US industry, manufacturing
and jobs... running to China and India.

In case you're wondering, they're not even trying to hide
their agenda. It's all in plain sight. But, you won't find it
on American Idol, or ESPN... so here it is:

First, have you noticed how they've changed the "name" from
Global Warming to Climate Change?

Why do you suppose that is?

Maybe because scientist after scientist, and fact after fact,
have shown that there is no global warming?

The earth continually goes through warming and cooling cycles.

Over long periods of time climate changes.

Over short periods of time weather changes.

There have been relatively long periods of time when the world
has been colder than it is now.

There have been relatively long periods of time when the world
has been warmer than it is now.

C02 is a trace gas whose presence in the atmosphere can contribute
to an increase in the absorption of thermal radiation.

The increased use of carbon-based fuels has produced significant
increases in the amount of C02 released to the atmosphere,
though still dwarfed by natural sources.

Cooling in the ?20s
Heating in the ?30s and ?40s
Cooling in the ?50s and ?60s and ?70s
Warming in the ?80s and ?90s
And cooling for the past decade

So now, because the cat's out of the bag, it's "climate change."

And watch for yet another change to...


Watch how often that word begins to be woven into media talking
points over the coming year.

Let me cut to the chase for the pseudo intellectuals and
the self-absorbed yuppie cognoscenti who've had their
heads up their own self-indulgent asses for the last
twenty years, and who's attention deficit disorder
only allows them to absorb information in 15-30 second
tweets, twitters, and sound bytes...

The U.N. was founded by the old money trusts, international
bankers, and the illuminist & royal families of Europe,
as a front for global government.

John D. Rockefeller donated the land that the United Nations
now sits on. Ironically or, maybe not so... it used to
be the home of a Kosher slaughter house.

From those roots soon grew their foundations and charitable
trusts (Rockefeller, Carnegie, Mellon, Ford etc) which in turn
funded hundreds (now thousands) of Think Tanks, Roundtables,
and NGO groups, which are now accurately referred to as
the "shadow government."

These are the "Thousand Points Of Light" that George H.W. Bush
referred to in his now (in)famous "New World Order" speech.

Through groups such as Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commision,
and the Council On Foreign Relations... the real governance
of the world is carried out.

This is what Eisenhower warned us about...

A world where generals want to be politicians, and where
politicians want to be generals. Where the lines between
the government and the military-industrial complex become

And today, it's not just the lines between government and
the military-industrial complex that have become blurred,
but international borders as well.

J.F.K. not only echoed Eisenhower's warnings, he spoke
directly to "secret socities" (Skull & Bones just one,
among many)and vowed to dismantle the CIA and break it
into a thousand pieces.

So much for dismantling the shadow government and the
power of the military-industrial complex.

He was killed just weeks after uttering those words.

Of course this makes both Presidents conspiracy theorists.

Yet today, through the RIIA in Europe and the CFR in the US,
we see both groups dominate not just key cabinet positions
in government, but policy making as well.

Let's get back to Global Warming... Climate Change...
and Sustainability...

First, do you think Al Gore walked out of his 9,000 sq. ft.
home one morning, got into his limo and and then while
shuttling off across the globe on his private jet, had an
epiphany moment about global warming?

I hate to burst your tree hugging bubble, but Al Gore is
a fraud. He no more invented global warming than he did
the internet.

Al Gore was chosen to become the the pitchman. A frontman for
the globalists. And his Nobel Prize was pre-determined to add
credence and momentum to the cause.

After all...

Who would dare question a Nobel Prize winner?

The Nobel Prize gave global warming a near unquestionable
stamp of legitimacy.

Curious as to how the entire "global warming" issue really
came about?

A roundtable group called "The Club Of Rome" was given a
project by the globalists.

Their mandate was to come up with an agenda that would
accelerate the move to global governance, but also transfer
the shift in power and wealth away from America and into
the hands of the globalist bankers.

Because the scope was international, it couldn't be another
World War - a rally around the flag event. They needed
a common enemy for the entire world. And they found one in
man himself... man being the enemy of mother earth.

And here's how they will achieve their agenda.

They have used this strategy to execute nearly all of their
orchestrated agendas over the last two decades:

-- Announce a disaster
-- Cherry pick some results
-- Back it up with computer modeling
-- Proclaim a consensus
-- Stifle the opposition
-- Take over the process and control the funding
-- Roll the policy makers

Here's why you will soon be paying taxes for eating, breathing
and merely being... to globalist bankers.

Here's the Climate Change/UN agenda in their own words...

?All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is
only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be
overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.?
- Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution

?Unless we announce disasters no one will listen.?
- Sir John Houghton, first chairman of IPCC*

[IPCC - the group noted by Henry Waxman in the You Tube
Video above, who wrote the new carbon tax bill.]

?Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent
middle class - involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels,
appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing - are not
- Maurice Strong, Rio Earth Summit

?A massive campaign must be launched to de-develop the United
States. De-development means bringing our economic system into
line with the realities of ecology and the world resource
- Paul Ehrlich, Professor of Population Studies

?The only hope for the world is to make sure there is not
another United States. We can?t let other countries have the
same number of cars, the amount of industrialization, we have
in the US. We have to stop these Third World countries right
where they are.?
- Michael Oppenheimer, Environmental Defense Fund

?Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the equivalent
of giving an idiot child a machine gun.?
- Prof Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University

?Our insatiable drive to rummage deep beneath the surface of
the earth is a willful expansion of our dysfunctional
civilization into Nature.?
- Al Gore, Earth in the Balance

?The big threat to the planet is people: there are too many,
doing too well economically and burning too much oil.?
? Sir James Lovelock, BBC Interview

?My three main goals would be to reduce human population to
about 100 million worldwide, destroy the industrial
infrastructure and see wilderness, with it?s full complement
of species, returning throughout the world.?
-Dave Foreman, co-founder of Earth First!

"One America burdens the earth much more than twenty
Bangladeshes. This is a terrible thing to say in order to
stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people
per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it's just as bad
not to say it."
- Jacques Cousteau, UNESCO Courier

?Isn?t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized
civilizations collapse? Isn?t it our responsibility to bring
that about??
- Maurice Strong, founder of the UN Environment Programme

America stands alone as the last bastion of capitalism,
freedom, and rugged individualism. The antithesis of
everything the UN globalist agenda stands for.

Yet as America, freedom, and capitalism are being dismantled
right before our eyes, we stand idly by and do nothing.

We stand in apathy.

We sit in denial.

We do nothing.

Nothing, as the wealth of our nation was systematically stolen
by the bankster-gangsters through de-regulation and a ponzi
scheme derivatives bubble.

And they did it systematically and by design through ...

-- The Commodity Futures Modernization Act.

-- The repeal of Glass Steagall.

-- Hank Paulsons' Investment Banker coup of the SEC in allowing
self regulation and the removal of leverage limits on capital.

-- Rubin & Summers gold lease/suppression scheme.

-- Greenspans fiat flood and 1% credit orgy.

-- Turning Fannie & Freddie into toxic waste dumps.

-- The Credit & Bond Rating Agency fraud.

-- A CDO/CDS derivatives house of cards.

-- The Naked Short/Rumor Mongering - Bear Raids on Bear Stearns
and Lehman Brothers.

-- Paulson & Bernake's gun to the head/extortion/martial law
heist of $800 Billion Dollars.

-- AIG being used to launder money to Goldman, offshore
hedge funds, and Euro banks like gold manipulator Deutsche Bank.

-- JP Morgan allowed to be the 800 lbs. Derivatives Geurilla
in the room that no one will talk about.

-- A privately owned Fed that refuses to tell Congress, or the
American people where trillions of dollars went.

And here's the tally of their looting so far...

Unfunded Social Security and Medicare Debt -- $65 trillion
U.S. Treasury Bond Debt -- $12 trillion
Fiscal Year 2009 Budget Deficit -- $2 trillion
Total Debt -- $79 trillion

A debt so large (by design) that it can never be repaid.

Interest payments alone now so large, that Thomas Jefferson's
words have now come true...

"If the American people ever allow the banks to control the
issuance of their currency... the banks and corporations that
will grow up around them will deprive the people of all
property, until their children wake up homeless on the
continent their fathers conquered."

The damage that's done is done.

The final takedown of America is in progress.

Sitting idly bye as another chapter unfolds is not an option.

When will you say - enough?

When will you say - no?

When will you rise up and act?

If not now, when?

And if not soon...

Your fathers will rue your very existence and your children will
curse your name into eternity. That I promise you.

Conspiracy theory?


Think one world government is nonsense, think it isn't
unfolding as you read this, think I've lost my mind?

Read on.

And by the way...

They are willing to "spill blood" to achieve their agenda,
are you willing to spill blood to stop it?

"We are not going to achieve a new world order without paying
for it in blood as well as in words and money."
- Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.
Foreign Affairs Magazine (July/August 1995)

"In the 21st century, nations as we know them will be obsolete;
all states will recognize a single, global authority. National
sovereignty wasn't such a great idea after all."
- Strobe Talbot, President Clinton's Deputy Secretary of State,
as quoted in Time, July 20th, l992.

"The Trilateral Commission is intended to be the vehicle for
multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking
interests by seizing control of the political government of
the United States. The Trilateral Commission represents a
skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate
the four centers of power political, monetary, intellectual
and ecclesiastical. What the Trilateral Commission intends is
to create a worldwide economic power superior to the political
governments of the nationstates involved. As managers and
creators of the system, they will rule the future."
- U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater
in his l964 book: With No Apologies.

This present window of opportunity, during which a truly
peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will
not be open for too long - We are on the verge of a global
transformation. ,b>All we need is the right major crisis and the
nations will accept the New World Order.
- David Rockefeller CFR & Trilateral Commission Founder.

"The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is the American Branch
of a society which originated in England and believes national
boundaries should be obliterated and one-world rule established."
- Carroll Quigley, Professor of History Georgetown University,
in his book "Tragedy and Hope".

"The interests behind the Bush administration, such as the
CFR, the Trilateral Commission - founded by Brzezinski for
David Rockefeller - and the Bilderberg Group have prepared for
and are now moving to implement open world dictatorship within
the next five years."
- Dr. Johannes Koeppl (Former official of the German Ministry
for Defence and advisor to NATO)

"I think there are 25,000 individuals that have used the power
of office, and they are in our Universities and they are in
our Congresses, and they believe in One World Government. And
if you believe in One World Government, then you are talking
about undermining National Sovereignty and you are talking
about setting up something that you could well call a Dictatorship
and those plans are there!"
- Congressman Ron Paul at an event near Austin, Texas
on August 30th, 2003

25,000 of them and 300 million of us.

And yet many of you hide in fear. Afraid to speak up. Afraid
to attend a Tea Party. Afraid of writing an op-ed in your
local newspaper. Afraid of calling your Congressman. Afraid
of getting on a list. Afraid of what someone will think.

Only 5% of Americans supported the American Revolution,
and only 1% fought for it.

While times change, people never do.

The call has now gone out for the 1%.

And the time is now.


Friday, May 22, 2009

Who needs TARP?

Think about this one...

Who Needs TARP?

It is August. In a small town on the South Coast of France, holiday season is in full swing, but it is raining so there is not too much business happening. Everyone is heavily in debt.

Luckily, a rich Russian tourist arrives in the foyer of the small local hotel.

He asks for a room and puts a Euro100 note on the reception counter, takes a key and goes to inspect the room located up the stairs on the third floor.

The hotel owner takes the banknote in a hurry and rushes to his meat supplier to whom he owes E100.

The butcher takes the money and races to his supplier to pay his debt.

The wholesaler rushes to the farmer to pay E100 for pigs he purchased some time ago.

The farmer triumphantly gives the E100 note to a local prostitute who gave him her services on credit.

The prostitute goes quickly to a hotel to pay her bill for her hourly room use to entertain clients.

At that moment, the rich Russian is coming down the stairs, greets the prostitute and informs the hotel owner that the proposed room is unsatisfactory and takes his E100 back and departs.

There was no profit or income.

But everyone no longer has any debt and the small townspeople look optimistically towards their future.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Top Mission Statements

Top 25 mission statements of the top tech companies and
websites. These 25 statements listed were all collected from the
official website of the company, while others were found from secondary
sources; some are official mission statements, while others are parts
taken from company overviews or the introduction to a site?s About page.
It was interesting to see that not all companies or sites actually
define their mission clearly to the public.

1. *IBM:* ?At IBM, we strive to lead in the invention, development and
manufacture of the industry?s most advanced information technologies,
including computer systems, software, storage systems and
microelectronics. We translate these advanced technologies into value
for our customers through our professional solutions, services and
consulting businesses worldwide.?

2. *Digg:* ?Digg is a place for people to discover and share content
from anywhere on the web. From the biggest online destinations to the
most obscure blog, Digg surfaces the best stuff as voted on by our
users. You won?t find editors at Digg ? we?re here to provide a place
where people can collectively determine the value of content and we?re
changing the way people consume information online.?

3. ** ?Discover what?s important, make it happen, share
your progress.?

4. *Microsoft:* ?At Microsoft, our mission and values are to help people
and businesses throughout the world realize their full potential.?

5. *Cisco:* ?Cisco ? enables people to make powerful connections ?
whether in business, education, philanthropy, or creativity. Cisco
hardware, software, and service offerings are used to create the
Internet solutions that make networks possible-providing easy access to
information anywhere, at any time.?

6. *Google:* ?Google?s mission is to organize the world?s information
and make it universally accessible and useful.?

7. *Wikipedia:* ?Wikipedia ? is a multilingual, web-based, free content
encyclopedia project? Visitors do not need specialised qualifications to
contribute, since their primary role is to write articles that cover
existing knowledge; this means that people of all ages and cultural and
social background can write Wikipedia articles. With rare exceptions,
articles can be edited by anyone with access to the Internet, simply by
clicking the edit this page link.?
And from the Wikimedia Foundation: ?The mission of the Wikimedia
Foundation is to empower and engage people around the world to collect
and develop educational content under a free license or in the public
domain, and to disseminate it effectively and globally. ?the Foundation
provides the essential infrastructure and an organizational framework
for the support and development of multilingual wiki projects and other
endeavors which serve this mission. The Foundation will make and keep
useful information from its projects available on the Internet free of
charge, in perpetuity.?

8. *Apple:* ?Today, Apple continues to lead the industry in innovation
with its award-winning computers, OS X operating system and iLife and
professional applications. Apple is also spearheading the digital media
revolution with its iPod portable music and video players and iTunes
online store, and has entered the mobile phone market this year with its
revolutionary iPhone.?

9. *Intel:* ?Delight our customers, employees, and shareholders by
relentlessly delivering the platform and technology advancements that
become essential to the way we work and live.?

10. *Dell: *?Dell?s mission is to be the most successful computer
company in the world at delivering the best customer experience in
markets we serve.

11. *Sony:* ?Sony is a leading manufacturer of audio, video,
communications, and information technology products for the consumer and
professional markets. Its music, motion picture, television, computer
entertainment, and online businesses make Sony one of the most
comprehensive entertainment companies in the world.?

12. *Techmeme:* ?? the next big story in technology may reside on a blog
you?ve never heard of or a news site you don?t have time to scan. So I
built a software agent to surface these links in real time and the
result is Techmeme?

13. *Amazon:* ?Our vision is to be earth?s most customer centric
company; to build a place where people can come to find and discover
anything they might want to buy online.?

14. *Ebay:* ?eBay?s mission is to provide a global trading platform
where practically anyone can trade practically anything.?

15. *Twitter:* ?Twitter is a service for friends, family, and co-workers
to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick,
frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing??

16. *Yahoo:* ?To connect people to their passions, their communities,
and the world?s knowledge.?

17. *Facebook:* ?Facebook is a social utility that helps people
communicate more efficiently with their friends, family and coworkers.
The company develops technologies that facilitate the sharing of
information through the social graph, the digital mapping of people?s
real-world social connections.?

18. *Blogger:* ?? focusing on helping people have their own voice on the
web and organizing the world?s information from the personal perspective.?

19. *Sun Microsystems:* ?The Network Is The Computer ? Sun was founded
with one driving vision. A vision of computers that talk to each other
no matter who built them. A vision in which technology works for you,
not the other way around. While others protected proprietary,
stand-alone architectures, we focused on taking companies into the
network age, providing systems and software with the scalability and
reliability needed to drive the electronic marketplace.?

20. *Techcrunch:* ?? dedicated to obsessively profiling and reviewing
new Internet products and companies. In addition to covering new
companies, we profile existing companies that are making an impact
(commercial and/or cultural) on the new web space.?

21. *StumbleUpon:* ?StumbleUpon helps you discover and share great

22. * *?? the primary use of is to store your
bookmarks online, which allows you to access the same bookmarks from any
computer and add bookmarks from anywhere, too. ? You can also use to see the interesting links that your friends and other
people bookmark?

23. ** ?? a news aggregator and an edited social networking
news site ? The idea was to have the word Fark come to symbolize news
that is really Not News.?

24. *Orkut:* ?orkut is an online community designed to make your social
life more active and stimulating. orkut?s social network can help you
maintain existing relationships with pictures and messages, and
establish new ones by reaching out to people you?ve never met before? It
is our mission to help you create a closer, more intimate network of
friends. We hope to put you on the path to social bliss soon.?

25. *Adobe:* ?Our mission is to revolutionize how the world engages with
ideas and information.?

Non Profits


26 When a Non-Profit organization's purpose is to serve humanity, it is
essential that their Mission Statement clearly defines the services to
be performed and the compassion driving the people who provide those

27Mission Statement
NFF's mission is to serve as a development finance institution for
nonprofit organizations, working to fill their overall need for capital
through financing and advisory services. NFF supports its nonprofit
clients' multi-faceted contributions to communities, advances community
and economic development goals, and works to fill the overall need for
capitalization of organizations in this sector.

28Mission Statement
The mission of the American Antigravity Corporation is to provide online
scientific and educational material and support to the scientific
community and general public, relating to aerospace, renewable energy,
and other scientific disciplines. American Antigravity fosters learning
and academic excellence by working with scientists, educators, and
inventors to create a safe, fulfilling, and academically enriching
environment for breakthrough science.

29Mission Statement
PANPHA represents over 320 nonprofit providers of long-term care and
housing services for 65,000 elderly residents across Pennsylvania. The
Association is committed to helping its members provide quality care
efficiently and effectively for the individuals and families they serve.
In an age of impersonal care, PANPHA members put people before profits.

30Mission Statement
Our mission is simple: To offer education on the wise use of credit.

31Mission Statement
"Provide affordable, educational, and outdoor recreational activities in
a safe, clean, and inviting environment for people of all ages through
sound business and management practices"

32Mission Statement
t is our mission to disseminate timely and useful information, to
perform charitable services, and to conduct research to enhance
productivity and quality of life for amputees in America.

33Mission Statement
To strengthen communities in rural Minnesota, especially the Grand Rapids.

34Mission Statement
Since its formation, the mission of the Foundation has been to improve
the quality of life through a balance between technology and nature.

35Mission Statement
Cottonwood Foundation, a charitable, tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) organization,
is dedicated to promoting empowerment of people, protection of the
environment, and respect for cultural diversity. The foundation focuses
its funding on committed, grass roots organizations that rely strongly
on volunteer efforts and where foundation support will make a
significant difference. At least 90% of Cottonwood Foundation's
expenditures will be for grants to other organizations.

36Mission Statement
The Initiative Foundation's mission is to unlock the potential of the
people of central Minnesota to build and sustain healthy communities.

37Mission Statement
The Jerome Foundation, created by artist and philanthropist Jerome Hill
(1905-1972), makes grants to support the creation and production of new
artistic works by emerging artists, and contributes to the professional
advancement of those artists.

38Mission Statement
"to provide financial assistance to individuals who must eliminate
personal debt in order to pursue their vocation to priesthood or
religious life in the Catholic Church."

39Mission Statement
The Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation seeks to improve
cardiovascular health through education and clinical research.

40Mission Statement
To strengthen and expand philanthropy.

41Mission Statement
The Northland Foundation is a resource for people, businesses, and
communities in Northeast Minnesota working toward prosperity through
economic and social justice. Our purpose is to strengthen families, grow
a sustainable regional economy, cultivate leadership and philanthropy,
and foster respect for all. Through our grants to non-profits, loans to
local businesses, and other special programs, the Northland Foundation
is building a strong foundation for the future of our region.

42Mission Statement
Our mission is to actively serve the people of the East Metro area by
building permanent charitable capital, making philanthropic grants, and
providing services that contribute to the health and vitality of the

43Mission Statement
American Experiment, a nonpartisan think tank, gives voice to
conservative and free market ideas and spotlights their importance in
tackling the most difficult issues facing Minnesota and our nation.

44Mission Statement
To Promote the Creation, Performance, and Appreciation of the Arts in
Region 7W. Awarding arts grants, providing arts services, coordinating
arts advocacy, and generally promoting appreciation and participation in
the arts - all are goals of the CMAB.

45Mission Statement
To provide high-quality, compassionate and comprehensive legal services
to as many low-income persons as possible.

46Mission Statement
Our purpose is to build the capacity of nonprofit organizations to
achieve mission-driven results. Since 1979, we have provided quality,
affordable management consulting and board recruitment services to
thousands of nonprofit groups. MAP for Nonprofits primarily works with
nonprofit organizations in the Greater Twin Cities Metropolitan Area of
Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota.

47Mission Statement
The Minnesota Land Trust permanently protects the lands and waters that
define our communities and enrich our quality of life.

48Mission Statement
The goal of the Norwegian-American Historical Association (NAHA) is to
locate, collect, preserve and interpret the Norwegian-American part of
this whole with accuracy, integrity, and liveliness. In doing so,
Norwegian Americans will have an identifiable position in America's
past, present, and future.

49Mission Statement
The mission of Second Harvest Heartland is to fight hunger through
community partnerships.

50Mission Statement
"The mission of the Women's Cancer Resource Center is to support women
in taking charge of their cancer experience." -- WCRC Mission Statement

51Mission Statement
The YMCA of Greater Saint Paul practices Christian values by providing
opportunities for everyone to build strong kids, strong families, and
strong communities. The mission of the YMCA of Metropolitan Minneapolis
is to develop the total person-spirit, mind and body-through
character-development programs that build strong kids, strong families,
and strong communities.

52Mission Statement
The mission of the Connecticut Association of Nonprofits is to support
and strengthen nonprofit organizations in building and sustaining
healthy communities in Connecticut.

53Mission Statement
The St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology is a non-profit research and
educational institute that promotes life-transforming Scripture study in
the Catholic tradition. The Center serves clergy and laity, students and
scholars, with research and study tools - from books and publications to
multimedia and on-line programming. Our goal is to be a teacher of
teachers. We want to raise up a new generation of priests who are fluent
in the Bible and lay people who are biblically literate. For us, this
means more than helping people to know their way around the Bible. It
means equipping them to enter into the heart of the living Word of God
and to be transformed and renewed by this encounter. We read the Bible
from the heart of the Church, in light of the Church's Liturgy and
living Tradition. In this way, we hope to help people experience the
heart-to-heart encounter that Jesus' disciples experienced on that first
Easter night, when they knew Him in the breaking of the bread: "Did not
our hearts burn within us while He talked to us...while He opened to us
the Scriptures?" (see Luke 24:13-37)

54Mission Statement
SAVE's Mission is to prevent suicide through public awareness and
education, eliminate stigma and serve as a resource to those touched by

55Mission Statement
Empowering children and families to achieve lifelong successes

56Mission Statement
The mission of PACER Center is to expand opportunities and enhance the
quality of life of children and young adults with disabilities and their
families, based on the concept of parents helping parents.

57Mission Statement
MHP's mission is to promote homes for all Minnesotans and assist
Minnesota communities in the creation and preservation of housing
affordable to low and moderate income people.

58Mission Statement
The mission of the Minnesota Center Against Violence and Abuse (MINCAVA)
is to support research, education, and access to violence related

59Mission Statement
In partnerships with public and private organizations, MAAA helps elders
age successfully. It does this by building community capacity,
advocating for aging issues, maximizing service effectiveness and
linking people with information.

60Mission Statement
"Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota expresses the love of Christ for
all people through acts of service."

61Mission Statement
The Junior League of Saint Paul, Inc. is an organization of women
committed to promoting volunteerism, developing the potential of women,
and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of
trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable

62Mission Statement
The mission of the Institute is to: 1) provide a center for information
and assembly for all nationalities and races; 2) develop fellowship and
understanding among such persons through group meetings and activities;
3) promote the welfare of our foreign-born population and their
families; and 4) preserve and stimulate intercultural values.

63Mission Statement
Our mission is to create a nurturing, stable, and culturally diverse
family environment which encourages youth with emotional and behavioral
disturbances to become effective, contributing adults.

64Mission Statement
Good in the 'Hood exists to do all the good we can, in all the ways we
can, in all the places we can, at all the times we can, to all the
people we can, as long as we ever can.

65Mission Statement
Our mission is to prevent child abuse and neglect by promoting positive
parenting, healthy families, and homes where children are valued and loved.

66Mission Statement
The mission of the Family Institute for Creative Well-Being is to
enhance the emotional, social, and spiritual health of families who have
members with disabilities or chronic illnesses though therapeutic use of
the creative arts.

67Mission Statement
Connecting people, enriching lives.

68Mission Statement
To empower women and their families to initiate personal and social change.

69Mission Statement
Our Mission is - to help children thrive and to build, strengthen and
sustain individual family and community life.

70Mission Statement
The mission of Catholic Charities is to serve those most in need. We
help individuals and families to reach their full potential as we call
for justice in the community

71Mission Statement
Wilderness Inquiry provides outdoor adventure experiences to inspire
personal growth, community integration and enhanced awareness of the
natural environment. Wilderness Inquiry encourages people to open their
minds and hearts to new possibilities by demonstrating that collectively
and individually they are capable of doing more than they thought possible.

72Mission Statement
The Rivers Council of Minnesota helps people protect, restore and enjoy
the state's 92,000 miles of rivers by building awareness of river
resources, promoting and teaching river health monitoring and fostering
grassroots action to improve and maintain the health of rivers.

73Mission Statement
Mission Statement - The Freshwater Society is dedicated to promoting the
protection and rational management of all freshwater resources.

74Mission Statement
The mission of E-quip Africa is to collect personal computers in the
United States and place them in schools in the West African country of

75Mission Statement
"The Bakken is a center for education and learning that furthers the
understanding of the history, cultural context, and applications of
electricity and magnetism in the life sciences and their benefits to
contemporary society."

76Mission Statement
To protect, improve and promote the enjoyment of the natural
environment through formal and informal education programs and
research; to assist and encourage environmental education programs,
centers, and careers.

77Mission Statement
Our MISSION is to be a Refuge in which Children who are Hurting
Emotionally, Mentally or Physically can find Love, Hope, Peace & Joy.

78Mission Statement
Our mission is to help nonprofits cope with uncertainty. We offer a wide
range of services (from technical assistance to software to training and
consulting help) on a vast array of risk management topics (from
employment practices, to insurance purchasing to internal controls and
preventing child abuse). We do not sell insurance or endorse
organizations that do.

79Mission Statement's mission is to improve the effectiveness of the
nonprofit sector by providing information technology solutions that
facilitate and enhance communication and engagement between nonprofit
organizations and their stakeholders. We do this by offering software
tools and services, training, and consulting that help nonprofit
organizations raise funds and communicate with their stakeholders
online, and manage their operations more effectively.

80Mission Statement
To advance the common good by leading, strengthening, and mobilizing the
independent sector.

81Mission Statement
IFPRI's mission is to provide policy solutions that cut hunger and

82Mission Statement
Ten Thousand Villages provides vital, fair income to Third World people
by marketing their handicrafts and telling their stories in North
America. We work with artisans who would otherwise be unemployed or
underemployed. The income artisans earn helps pay for food, education,
health care and housing.

83Mission Statement
Global Rights is a human rights advocacy group that partners with local
activists to challenge injustice and amplify new voices within the
global discourse. With offices in countries around the world, we help
local activists create just societies through proven strategies for
effecting change.

84Mission Statement
Our mission is to increase access to comprehensive primary healthcare to
the medically uninsured and underserved.

85Mission Statement
BELL was created to dramatically increase the academic achievements,
self-esteem and life opportunities of elementary school children living
in underserved communities by increasing their mastery of the basic
skills of reading, writing and arithmetic; raising children's academic
expectations and self-esteem; empowering parents; and developing
effective mentoring relationships between children and positive adult
role models.

86Mission Statement
Our mission is to prepare young leaders for responsible citizenship and
provide outstanding high school students the chance to explore the
political process firsthand.

87Mission Statement
A leader and innovator in teen pregnancy prevention, Inwood House is
dedicated to helping young people become self reliant, healthy adults.

88Mission Statement
Twenty years from now, when business leaders and policy makers from the
United States and countries of pivotal concern for global peace sit down
at the negotiating table, will they meet as strangers or as colleagues
with a history of cooperation? Network 20/20 is an independent
membership organization that helps prepare next generation leaders in
the U.S. to participate meaningfully in public diplomacy and the
creation and execution of policies promoting global public security. We
do this by means of lectures and educational initiatives here at home
and through a series of trips and exchanges abroad. Network 20/20 fills
two major gaps in U.S. foreign policy: lack of youth participation and
lack of serious input from civil society in general. Network 20/20 helps
to bridge these gaps by assisting mid-career individuals with new and
vigorous ideas drawn from their experiences in the real world of civil
society to refine their foreign policy understandings and share their
insights with their peers. Network 20/20 members come from the business
world, the professions, media, NGOs, think tanks, government and
academia. They are a diverse group that includes talented foreign
nationals living in the U.S. What draws them together is that they are
all "thinking," motivated and disciplined individuals who are
volunteering significant time and energy to improve their understanding
of the world.

89Mission Statement
STITCH is a network of women unionists, organizers, and activists that
builds connections between Central American and US women organizing for
economic justice.

90Mission Statement
Catalyst is the leading research and advisory organization working with
businesses and the professions to build inclusive environments and
expand opportunities for women at work. As an independent, nonprofit
membership organization, Catalyst conducts research on all aspects of
women's career advancement and provides strategic and web-based
consulting services globally. With the support and confidence of member
corporations and firms, Catalyst remains connected to business and its
changing needs. In addition, Catalyst honors exemplary business
initiatives that promote women's leadership with the annual Catalyst
Award. With offices in New York, San Jose, and Toronto, Catalyst is
consistently ranked No. 1 among U.S. nonprofits focused on women's
issues by The American Institute of Philanthropy.

91Mission Statement
To work in partnership with people of faith and conscience around the
world to end poverty and injustice that affect rural communities.

92Mission Statement
Children's Rights' mission is to promote and protect the right of
children who are abused and neglected to grow up in permanent, loving
families. By creating beneficial and lasting change in child welfare
systems, we ensure that children who are dependent on these systems stay
safe, receive quality care and services, and return to their own
families safely or find adoptive families so that they can have healthy
childhoods that lead to productive adult lives.

93Mission Statement
The right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental
health... The right to equality before the law... The right to be free
from torture...

94Mission Statement
The Jane Goodall Institute advances the power of individuals to take
informed and compassionate action to improve the environment of all
living things.

95Mission Statement
The Mission of the St. Albans Community Justice Center is to collaborate
with community members, local agencies and municipal and state
government to identify areas of conflict within our region and undertake
activities that will empower citizens to resolve such conflicts. Focus
areas include: neighborhood conflicts, school/youth conflicts and
conflicts that result when offenders reenter communities.

96Mission Statement
Founded in 1921, the Council on Foreign Relations is an independent,
national membership organization and a nonpartisan center for scholars
dedicated to producing and disseminating ideas so that individual and
corporate members, as well as policymakers, journalists, students, and
interested citizens in the United States and other countries, can better
understand the world and the foreign policy choices facing the United
States and other governments.

97Mission Statement
Liberty's Promise works to sustain and support young immigrants while
encouraging them to be active and conscientious American citizens. Our
programs of direct assistance and research aim to make the immigrant
experience an affirmative one for young newcomers while instilling in
them a sense of pride and support for American ideals of democracy and
freedom. By doing so, Liberty's Promise seeks to reaffirm our
fundamental egalitarian and democratic traditions for future generations.

98Mission Statement
Angel's Closet reaches out to families in need by providing clothing to
children across the DFW area. Our ministry works with local
organizations, churches, and families to locate children in need. We
rely on the generosity of the community to help reach our goal of
fulfilling those children's needs.

99Mission Statement
Zoo New England is dedicated to teaching wildlife and wildland
preservation through responsible management and exhibition of wildlife.
Our mission is to inspire humankind to respect our natural world. We are
dedicated to caring for and sharing animals and their habitats,
participating in local and global conservation programs, and providing
an experience that fosters an ethic of care and wonder towards the

100Mission Statement
iMentor's mission is to improve the lives of young people from
underserved communities in New York City through innovative,
technology-based approaches to youth mentoring and education.

101Mission Statement
Through education, advocacy, and citizen empowerment in Indiana, the
Hoosier Environmental Council works to protect and restore the natural
systems upon which life depends.

102Mission Statement
Our mission is to develop academic skills, behaviors, and attitudes in
academically motivated and underserved middle school children to improve
their grades, standardized test scores, attendance, and opportunities:
acceptance to top high school programs.

103Mission Statement
To enhance the economy of the five boroughs of New York City and
maintain the city's position as the center of world commerce, finance
and innovation.

104Mission Statement
To prepare youth for a productive adulthood through entrepreneurship,
technology and life skills education.

105Mission Statement
Emmaus reaches out to build trust with seniors to provide support,
advocacy and services that help them remain active, respected and vital
members of their community.

106 Mission Statement
Creating ownership and economic opportunity for minorities, women, rural
residents and low-wealth families.

107Mission Statement
The Idaho Youth Ranch provides troubled children and families a bridge
to a valued, responsible and productive future.

108Mission Statement
The mission of the American Lung Association(r) is to prevent lung
disease and promote lung health.

109Mission Statement
As the Foundation continues to mature, its mission will remain
steadfast. Wish children of the past, present, and future will have an
opportunity to share the power of a wish(r).

110Mission Statement
The Oregon Water Trust mission is to restore surface water flows for
healthier streams in Oregon by using cooperative, free-market solutions.
Founded in 1993 by a group with diverse water interests, we were the
first water trust in the nation. With our transactional approach, we
focus on streams where small amounts of water provide significant
ecological benefits. The result is healthier streams for fish, wildlife,
and people.

111Mission Statement
Encourage bicycling, walking and public transit as alternatives to
automobile use, and reduce automobile use and its attendant
environmental and social harms.

112Mission Statement
Lifeline's mission is to enhance the positive quality of individual,
family, and community life by providing services that are consistently
available, accessible, and responsive to the needs of individuals,
families, and groups seeking assistance, and to work with the community
to contribute, facilitate, and promote solutions for the enrichment of all.

113Mission Statement
The mission of this non-profit organization is to increase public and
professional awareness about the prevention, detection, and treatment of
skin cancer.

114Mission Statement
Close Up Foundation encourages responsible participation in the
democratic process through educational programs and publications in
government and citizenship. The Foundation is committed to developing
new and better ways for young people, teachers, and a widening circle of
citizens of all ages to gain a practical understanding of how public
policy affects their lives and how individual and collective efforts
affect public policy.

115Mission Statement
Our Mission is to preserve and develop decent, affordable housing to
address the needs of limited income individuals and families and to
strengthen the community.

116Mission Statement
Save the Children is the leading independent organization creating real
and lasting change for children in need in the United States and around
the world. It is a member of the International Save the Children
Alliance, comprising 27 national Save the Children organizations working
in more than 100 countries to ensure the well-being of children. Hot
lunch program in Appalachia, 1930's The history of Save the Children is
a story of positive change and people - millions of people in thousands
of communities around the globe - working together to create
opportunities for the world's children to live safe, healthy, and
fulfilling lives. In January 1932 in a small room in New York City, a
group of concerned citizens gathered to respond to the needs of the
proud people of Appalachia hard hit by the Great Depression. The
inspiration and vision for Save the Children came in great part from the
international children's rights movement begun in England in 1919 by
Eglantyne Jebb, founder of the British Save the Children Fund. From this
early effort in the hills and hollows of Harlan County, Kentucky, grew a
self-help philosophy and practice still at work today in more than 45
countries: providing communities with a hand up, not a handout. This
approach - working with families to define and solve the problems their
children and communities face and utilizing a broad array of strategies
to ensure self-sufficiency - is the cornerstone of all Save the
Children's programs. Through the decades, we have evolved into a leading
international relief and development organization. Countless events and
achievements have shaped the development of our organization and helped
change the lives of the children we serve.

117Mission Statement
Mission: - To raise awareness of domestic and global issues among
students in high school and college. - To provide non-partisan aid to
neglected regions of the world. - To join with students across the
United States to take an active role in promoting the improvement of
global social conditions.

118Mission Statement
SJO's mission is to give the SRJO a secure existence and to enable the
SRJO to perform widely and frequently. This means raising money
(contributions and grants) and connecting to the community through an
active board of directors.

119Mission Statement
Uniting the democracies has been the key international political trend
for the last hundred years. Understanding this trend and enabling it to
continue is the key to world political development

120Mission Statement
The Door's mission is to empower young people to reach their potential
by providing comprehensive youth development services in a diverse and
caring environment. Each year over 7,000 young people, most referred by
their peers, come to The Door for primary health care, prenatal care and
health education, mental health counseling, legal services, GED, ESL,
computer classes, tutoring and homework help, college preparation and
computer classes, career development services and training, job
placement, daily meals, arts, sports and recreational activities.

121Mission Statement
The Equal Justice Society aims to unify and organize those who are
interested in generating, developing, and supporting innovative legal
theories and strategies to eliminate the conservative bias of our legal

122Mission Statement
The Charles River Public Internet Center (CRPIC) is a private 501c3
nonprofit education organization based in Waltham, Massachusetts that
advances technology and Internet literacy for adults and youth by
empowering people with the technical skills necessary for economic success.

123Mission Statement
AIDS Service Center (ASC) is a multi-service community organization that
fulfills its mission of helping many, one by one through dynamic
programming responsive to the needs of diverse communities. ASC's
services include peer education, training and outreach; specialized
women's services; health promotion and harm reduction initiatives; links
to medical care and appropriate housing; translation assistance and
child care support; HIV treatment education; supportive counseling; and
much more. These comprehensive programs promote the well-being,
empowerment, and stability of persons living with and at risk for
HIV/AIDS throughout the City and the neighboring areas.

124Mission Statement
To inspire all girls to be strong, smart and bold SM

125Mission Statement
The Center's mission quickly grew to include consulting work with
jurisdictions across the country and the world. The Center has received
numerous awards for its efforts, including an Innovations in American
Government Award from Harvard University and the Ford Foundation, and
the Prize for Public Sector Innovation from the Citizens Budget Commission.